Traits of a Data Engineer

Traits of a Data Engineer

Things will help Data Engineer in the long run

Need of Data Engineer

When we talk about creating end-to-end pipelines and delivering the results, all the major IT giants and Startups are keen to hire, those who can easily build the entire infrastructure(could be on the fly/on prime) as well as get the data from the source, clean it and present in the nice and better format, they do require species called Data Engineers.

First Most IMP: How to become good at anything

Let's know what is exactly an employee expects from you, an inspiring data engineer has to look forward to learning each of them not in one go but doing it one or two at a time.

Second most IMP: Find out the time

Believe me, if you wanted to be good at something you must have some time(this time would vary per person) but certainly, all of us need the time, the simplest form of this is TIME BLOCKING.

Action item:

Just having some time could be 10 sec of meditation twice a day, will set you apart from the crowd, believe me.

Third: Do not forget your body, listen to it

As currently this covid is everywhere and it's almost a year and a half now, that we are almost in-house 24/7. During this time we come to release that we often ignore the body and health.

Again the action item:

  • Take small steps - it may be just 2-3 push-ups, 3-5 jumping jacks like I mentioned 10-sec medication just start, if you continue doing that for just even a month you will thank in later.


Now I can highlight the rest of the points which you might have expected me to say.

But believe me, if you do not do the mentioned above you will be a very pro-developer but you may have lost the vital fuel from the life which is being in the present, and all those points would help you to achieve this.

The first characteristic of a good software developer is

  • welling to learn the fundamentals not just syntax sugar of any language ask yourself when you are learning something

  • when to use it

  • why this

  • and only then How-to(nothing but programming syntax)

The second is: Learn from the great resources

  • Always read and learn from official documents instead of looking into any other referencing sites

  • Read Good books on the subject they wanted to learn

  • Read a lot of articles online from medium/hashnode/

    • ProTips

    • please increase the read speed so do you can read an article in 3-5mins max

    • do read them in the morning time, just before the official start else you will be busy with office stuff

Third is: do share your learning

It could be your friend/family/colleague, anyone if you want you can take some small training sessions in the office so others will also get benefited the same thing will also be rooted in your mind doing this practice.

A lot of you would also, say that I might have missed some important points here but as per my understanding if I would do that this article length would be of an hour only, so do I mention only those bullet points which I feel cover the rest in some way and if you stack them correctly your software engineer journey will be very smooth.

Nevertheless, please share your lessons and learning in the comments that will help the coder community to grow together.

Happy coding!! see you in the next blog like this...