Efficiently Deleting Kubernetes Secrets in Bulk

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Efficiently Deleting Kubernetes Secrets in Bulk

A little automation could help


In the world of Kubernetes, managing secrets is a crucial part of ensuring the security of your applications. Recently, I faced a scenario where I needed to delete a large number of secrets in one go. In this blog post, I'll share the command and approach I used to achieve this efficiently.

The Challenge

Deleting a substantial number of secrets manually can be time-consuming and prone to errors. I needed a solution that could automate this process while still being precise about which secrets to delete.

The Command

kubectl get secret -n 'your_namespace' | awk '{print $1}' | grep "dss-svc*\|dkusecret*" | xargs -I '{}' kubectl delete secret '{}' -n 'your_namespace'

Breaking Down the Command:

  1. kubectl get secret -n 'your_namespace': Retrieves a list of secrets in the specified namespace.

  2. awk '{print $1}': Extracts the first column, which contains the names of the secrets.

  3. grep "dss-svc*\|dkusecret*": Filters secrets based on a specific pattern, focusing on those with names starting with "dss-svc" or "dkusecret."

  4. xargs -I '{}' kubectl delete secret '{}' -n 'your_namespace': Deletes each secret found in the previous step.


  • The command efficiently combines multiple utilities (awk, grep, and xargs) to streamline the process.

  • The use of grep with a pattern allows for targeted deletion of secrets matching the specified criteria.

  • xargs is employed to pass each secret name to the kubectl delete command, effectively removing them in bulk.


The output of the command demonstrates the successful deletion of numerous secrets, streamlining the cleanup process and saving valuable time.


Automating tasks in Kubernetes, such as deleting secrets in bulk, is essential for maintaining a clean and secure environment. The provided command and approach offer a quick and effective solution for efficiently managing secrets at scale.